Saturday, August 21, 2010


Nanking, the capital of China at the start of WWII was pillaged, it's citizens raped and it's buildings destroyed. I just watched a documentary on Nanking, heartbreaking, as all war footage is. When the Chinese Dragon decides to spread her wings of might....Japan will cease to exist. I don't support that, it's just gonna be. There are 100 Million Chinese Soldiers who have really no chance of ever getting married due to the selective survival rate of babies, due to gender. War should just stop or the next one will stop everything.


Friday, August 20, 2010

Shower Time

Latley I've heard it mentioned that men take to long in the shower, I've heard this from my wife for years. My shower this morning. Started thinking how at the turn of the century Morphine was the drug of choice among Dr's, pretty much prescribed to everyone including infants. Well that worked for a while, then it didn't. OK, new wonder drug, Herion, again worked well but again was way overused. Now comes Freud and his peers, feeling down, try this...COCAIN. Yep, that will make you happy...for a while, then, no good. Now comes WWII, gotta keep those troops awake, Methamphetamine to the rescue. Methamphetamine is still the most prescribed medication ever. Why did so much get done in the 50's,60's and 70's, thats right meth. So the 70's roll around and we as a nation are tweaked out of our skulls, answer for this is, Valium and Quaaludes. All of these are out of favor I believe for the simple fact that euphoria is a side effect. Onto now, euphoria, but a Stepford nation. Brave new world, my ass. We are drones, filling our brains with chemicals that remove emotion and make us better workers. Washed, lathered, got behind the ears and all the tight spots, rinsed then got out and dried off.
