Friday, March 26, 2010

Bigger is Better

Are bigger brains better? Probably, yes, but it seems that the more "advanced" we become the more we short circuit. Anti Depressent use is at an all time high and only growing. Personally speaking, when our office server goes down some people sorta panic. For me it means no phone calls so I kinda like it. Now imagine when this happens on a huge scale, and it will, we will be screwed and people will suffer. It seems that we have thought ourselves into a potentially catastrophic future with our big brains. I mix 2 bands tonight at different venues, same schedule tomorrow evening, this ought to be like those date with 2 girls the same night movies so popular in the 80's. I also work my regular job both days. I'm very lucky in that I love what I do, but this is how I have to schedule my life to be able to bring pollen to my queen bee.


  1. It's in my honest opinion that most of us don't have chemical imbalances, we are so tired of life and the way currently that it's heading that we seek out help from those that we figure care only to be stuck on a medication called anti-depressants when all we need is more long term attention from anyone with a positive attitude that cares. In this capitolist government we sometimes forget that although money is great to have it compares nothing to the love we have to give and to recieve. Love from friends, family and co-workers is often misused by our selfish nature allowing some of us to slip through the cracks so to say without recieveing any. We shouldn't be dealing out anti-depressants like a damn methodone clinic we should be takeing time out for these people that obviously need a break from the beat of our everyday working lives and just show them the love they need to build them back up. To lend an ear to, lend a hand, to lend our hearts to where they are best needed, but hey we got no time for that, there is money to be made and the beast doesn't like to wait...

  2. Couldn't agree with you more. With this brave new world or new world order, we have created an all encompasing hostile world environment. It takes too much time and energy dealing with people outside our tribe, as opposed to actually spending time with and caring for loved ones..

  3. I would add that it takes too much time & energy to even build a tribe...there's nothing left of me at the end of the day...what we need is a societal change that allows us to honor our natural rythyms
