Sunday, May 16, 2010


It's a little late but 1984 has arrived. I can't count the times recent crimes have been solved because the idiot was caught on some security camera or another. Often times many camers and many angles of different shots of the same general area. On the surface this is great, it just makes me wonder how many more cameras are out there and how many times each day every one of us is filmed. Thousands of tickets have been issued in Arizona based soley on traffic cams. We used to have a right to privacy, that went out with the Patriot act. We used to have freedom of speech, now if you virtually offend someone they can slander you with no reprecussions. Everything you say or especially write can bring the man to your door. It seems the only right I have is to work my ass off to pay banks that are just gonna fuck me in the end. It's like sex, once you have done it, you can't go back to holding hands. We have been forced by our leaders in the US to adopt policy out of fear created by them to give up our personel freedom. I believed my whole life that the US was the greatest nation because it granted it's citizens freedom....I would rather live in Thailand at this moment simply so I could see the enemy to fight. How do we fight the political, corporate and financial enemys here at home....civil disobediance, fuck that. You be civil to me and then I will be civil right back. Damn I want to be positive..

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